Saturday 27 October 2012

windows security- how to set a strong password

How to set a strong password

Passwords act as a wall between your private data and the world online. There could be anything behind your password that you don't want to share at all. Password keeps all that data safe. But sometimes people do predict your password and access all your personnel junk.. and that situation is ridiculous. Here are few points which can help you to set a strong password
  •  Always use a unique, alpha-numeric password for all your important accounts. 
  • Keep the password long and make sure it is alpha-numeric which means it should have combination of letters, numerals, symbols and, of course, it should be case sensitive. The minimum length of your password should be at least eight characters. What many people do not know is that you can also include spaces in between the characters.
    For an eight character long password, after all the possible combinations, there are 6 quadrillion possibilities which is quite hard to guess. 
  • Make sure that your password does not contain your user name, real name or company name and also it is not a complete word. The other way is to reverse the order of the characters. For example, Hell0u2@ can also be written as @2u0lleH which is a strong password. Though it is not necessarily the best option, but still better than keeping words the way they are spelt. 
  • It is always advisable to keep changing your passwords regularly and also making sure that password recovery options are safe and up-to-date in case you forget (which will happen often!).
so by following these steps u are making your stuffs more safer than before, and less compromising with your privacy

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